Victory In The Name Of Jesus – Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
My precious friend, may you have a very blessed day! The Lord is with you. He has made wonderful plans for you, for this day! His promise is from Isaiah 56:5, “I will give them an Everlasting Name that will endure forever.” Accordingly, the Lord has given you His Everlasting Name – Jesus so that you will be empowered to go through this day and be more than a conqueror! So, rejoice and be glad!
Today, are you saying, “I have a bad name”? Are you wondering what people are thinking about you? Maybe you are worried about your boss who is failing to honour you or maybe you have no recognition in your own family. Take heart, my friend! The Lord says to you that He will give you an Everlasting Name that will endure forever! This enduring name is the Name of Jesus. Indeed, the name of Jesus has endured for more than 2000 years even though millions of people rose up to destroy the name. Even Jesus’ own disciple rose up to betray Him. The religious leaders at the time of Jesus rose up to destroy His name. But Jesus stood firm! His name stands even today because He poured out immense love for the people through His name. The Name of Jesus is therefore an ointment to us. Because Jesus suffered and was wounded, His name brings healing, comfort and strength to us. In the name of Jesus every knee, every problem will bow. Every human being will bow and accomplish what God wants you to have for you in your life. Many years ago, we were coming from a foreign ministry trip. We landed in Mumbai and there was a big queue for immigration. Suddenly from a far distance, a government official who was manning the Airport saw us. He came to my father and said, “Are you not, Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran?” He said, “Yes”. He said, “Give me your passports. Follow me!” And he led us through the whole line and took us to the front. A man in the crowd shouted, “Why this special treatment for this man and his family?” From the same line, another man said, “Keep quiet! He is God’s son!” What a privilege, my friend!
This Name of Jesus, which is the name above every name is given to you too! Because of the Name of Jesus is upon you, the demons will flee and you shall be more than a conqueror! My friend, continue to praise God for giving you the Name of Jesus. Pray to Him saying that your name should be hidden and that His Name should rise in your life before all people and before all society! You will be honoured.
Loving Lord, thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. Thank You for giving me Your greatest gift – the Name of Jesus. Lord, help me to receive You fully and trust You completely. Grant me the grace to pray to You consistently and do whatever You want me to do in every day of my life. Thank You for Your blessings and favour upon my life through the Name of Jesus. Lord, lift me up to great heights, this day and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.